January 12th in History

Today's Highlight in History:
On January 12th, 1948, the Supreme Court ruled that states could not discriminate against law-school applicants because of race.

On this date:
In 1519, Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian the First died.

In 1773, the first public museum in America was established, in Charleston, South Carolina.

In 1915, the US House of Representatives rejected a proposal to give women the right to vote.

In 1932, Mrs. Hattie W. Caraway became the first woman elected to the US Senate.

In 1942, President Roosevelt created the National War Labor Board.

In 1945, during World War Two, Soviet forces began a huge offensive against the Germans in Eastern Europe.

In 1964, leftist rebels in Zanzibar began their successful revolt against the government.

In 1966, President Johnson said in his State of the Union address that the U-S should stay in South Vietnam until Communist aggression there was ended.

In 1969, the New York Jets defeated the Baltimore Colts 16-to-7 in Super Bowl Three, played at the Orange Bowl in Miami.

In 1971, the situation comedy "All in the Family" premiered on CBS television.

Ten years ago: The astronauts aboard the space shuttle "Columbia" retrieved an eleven-ton floating science laboratory in a rescue mission that kept the satellite from plunging to Earth.

Five years ago: In Port-au-Prince, Haiti, an American soldier was killed, another wounded, during a shootout with a former Haitian army officer who was also killed. Qubilah Shabazz, the daughter of Malcolm X, was arrested in Minneapolis on charges she'd tried to hire a hitman to kill Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan (the charges were later dropped in a settlement with the government).

One year ago: The Supreme Court limited state regulation of voter initiatives, striking down several methods used by Colorado to police such measures. Mark McGwire's 70th home run ball was sold at auction in New York for $3 million to an anonymous bidder.


"Many people's tombstones should read, `Died at 30. Buried at 60."'

-- Nicholas Murray Butler, American educator (1862-1947).


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